Monday, December 14, 2009

coolest styleeeee

heelloooooo fashonistas
so like a week ago i was online and there was a picture of taylor momsen leaving its on with alexa chung and she was wearing the coolest coat ever so i spent like 4 hours looking for it and its vintage :( but its so cool and she was literally wearing the coolest outfit everrrrrr so now ive been obsessing with everything she wears and here are some of my favorite things....

i would never wear this one ^ but she looks cool

^^ FAVOOOOORITE - such cool tights, coat, shirt, everyhthing


dress from topshop

tied for faaaaaaavorite she looks SO GOOD
anyone know where the dress is from? jacket/vest thing - alexander wang


ahh fashion weekkkkk

1 comment:

  1. that stuff is the tights too i love the frist pic that jacket is cute is that the one ur talking about?
